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Tips For Buying a Home in 2021

2021 has proven to be one of the most dramatic seller’s real estate markets in recent history. Low interest rates have lured potential buyers to the market and available properties are harder to find. Even if a house just hits the market, chances are you won't be the only one making an offer if it's priced reasonably and in good condition. Being prepared with an experienced real estate agent, budget, and expectations will ensure that you can compete in this hot market.

Save Money When You Invest In Real Estate

The 1031 tax-deferred exchange on real estate is one of the most underutilized parts of the tax code. While it may seem overwhelming for investors and real estate agents alike, the goal is to eliminate capital gains tax when selling real estate and have it roll over into the purchase of a new property and postpone tax. To be clear, a 1031 exchange doesn’t make capital gains tax go away; it just postpones it.</p><p>Boiling the process down to 5 key points will make it easier for investors and their real estate agents to decide if this opportunity is right for them.

Credit Freezes When Buying A Home

Approximately 145 million Americans' personal information and credit data was compromised in 2017 due to the Equifax data breach, leaving them vulnerable to identity fraud and theft. Because of this, the U.S. credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) saw an increase in consumers requesting to freeze their accounts.

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